Friday, February 15, 2008

Week 15th

The baby’s skin has been continuously developing, and it is so thin and translucent that you can see the blood vessels through it. Hair growth continues on the eyebrows and the head. The baby's ears are almost in position now, although they are still set a bit low on the head. Internally, the baby's skeletal system continues to develop. Muscle development continues too, and the baby is probably making lots of movements with his or her head, mouth, arms, hands, legs, and feet. (La piel del bebe ha estado continuamente desarollandose y es tan delgada y transparente que podemos ver sus vasos sanguineos. El crecimiento de pelo continua en sus cejas y la cabeza. Internamente, el eskeleto continua desarrollandose. El desarrollamiento de sus musculos contiua tambien. El bebe probablemente estara haciendo muchos movimientos con su cabeza, boca, brazos, manos, piernas, y pies).

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